Acne Control Protocol
A combination of personalized medical treatment and fortnightly cleanup sessions for 6 months takes care of active acne and reddish brown acne pigmentation.
Very severe acne may require more number of sessions for an additional 3 months followed by monthly maintenance sessions for another 3 months. Severe acne may need a comedone buster, like a ‘Carbon peel’ which is the latest addition to the treatment protocol.
This protocol aims not only at clearing existing acne, but it also prevents future recurrence. After the initial 6 months which is the clearance phase, a follow up visit once in 3 months for monitoring is advised.
It is only once the acne and pigmentation is controlled that the scars can be treated. Scar treatment is expensive and involves the use of laser technology; it is therefore recommended that you continue the use of anti acne medication as a preventive measure even after your acne is controlled.